Assembly Task List


While the last of the machined parts are being made, I've put together a list of the assembly tasks required. These are tasks that require some minor machine tasks like taping holes to receive screws and cutting standoffs to size. This is the list as it stands now. The numbered tasks correspond to the leaders in the attached drawings.

Mechanical assembly task list

1. Cut ankle ring gear x2
2. Drill & C/sink ring gear x6
3. Tap bottom ankle link for ring gear x6
4. Drill and ream ankle hinges for hinge pin x6 ---11/23/2004
5. Turn bottom outrigger post for ball end x2
6. Cut, Drill, Tap, top outrigger post for ball end x2
7. Make bearing washers from Teflon / nylon type mtl. x22
8. Turn shoulder balance posts for ball end x2
9. Turn hip spreader posts for ball end x2
10. Drill, ream for alignment pins x6
11. Cut neck standoffs x5
12. Cut neck motor standoff x1
13. Tap holes x22
14. Make neck motor / bearing connector
15. Make shoulder bearing posts x2
16. Drill, Tap, Mount leg motor ball end. x2

Machined parts not yet finnished are:

1. hip bracket
2. shoulder plate and mating tail plates
3. leg motor mounts
4. head
5. assembly parts mentioned above


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